Ecological Modelling Services
We offer a comprehensive and integrated ecological modeling service, generating applications for a wide spectrum of issues ranging from basic ecology to socio-ecological systems.
We offer a comprehensive and integrated ecological modeling service, generating applications for a wide spectrum of issues ranging from basic ecology to socio-ecological systems.
Depending on the question to be addressed, alternative tools are applied; from basic statistical analyses to spatially explicit simulation models. Case-based stochastic and dynamic programming approaches are developed towards supporting monitoring programs and management schemes, offering the basis for strategic planning or development of quality control systems.
We offer our expertise to:
- Develop models for assessing, predicting and mitigating the impacts of climate and land use change upon biodiversity, ecological processes and ecosystem services.
- Develop tools for exploring the vulnerability, sensitivity, adaptive capacity of the society to climate change.
- Provide statistical and mathematics consulting for clients not strictly related to ecology (including academia, governmental agencies, industry, non-government organizations), applying basic statistics, meta-analyses, optimal schemes for strategic decision-making, biometric analyses and development of risk indicators.
- Develop climate change adaptation plans and programs, environmental risk & impact assessments, monitoring projects, feasibility studies, population viability analyses, cumulative impact assessments.
Related projects
- 2013-15. Combine2Change – Common plans for the Conservation of Biodiversity under the prism of climate change. Financed by the European Union and the Greek State, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs/ General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
- 2012. Spatial patterns and ecological processes at a landscape level, Management Body of Ecodevelopment Area of Karla – Mavrovouni – Kefalovriso-Velestino. Financed by Green Fund, Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.
Contact details
tel. :
+30 2310 998975
address :
Department of Ecology,
School of Biology,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
UP Box 119, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece